Thank you! My original was also the classic Ergodox that required soldering all the resistors, so I definitely understand the struggle. This unit is definitely the easiest version to carry around, mainly because the wristrests are integrated.
For the thumb cluster, it isn't much different than the regular Ergodox since the two vertical ones are identical. You just have a big red key on top and an extra vertical thumb one. I hardly used the thumb buttons that were furtherst away, so it made 0 difference to me. An advantage is if it does seem a bit farther to you, you can always bend the thumb cluster so that it sits closer.
The Moonlander itself has a USB-C port, and the included cable is a USB-C with a USB-A adapter.
The Alpaca one is just a refined version of the original that has everything pre-soldered, and has an nice aluminum backplate for better support. At this point if someone wants to build it, I'd just recommend they go for the Alpaca since it's not much more expensive but far easier to work with than the original.